Shapes: Shifting Your Home’s Look

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Shapes: Shifting Your Home’s Look


Have you been to a home that felt warm, welcoming, and comfortable with just a single look? That is the subtle power of design at work — utilizing different elements, such as shapes, textures, and patterns to create a very specific atmosphere. 

Although often unnoticed, shapes can add more personality to your home. Utilizing them is a great way to accent each space and you can play with different aspects including the actual architectural design of a house and a variety of accessories. 

But how can you take advantage of this seemingly elusive element in design? Let’s dive in. 

As Always, Consider Function First

Before building or redesigning any room, you must first sit down and think about its purpose. The same concept is true when you want to figure out which shapes to incorporate. Is the space a common area where many people gather, like your living room? Will you spend working hours there? Or is it a bedroom, where you want to unwind and relax? 

Every room begs a unique atmosphere that can be transformed, dampened, or accentuated by various elements you introduce. To better understand which shape fits where, we need to know what energy they can bring.

Different Shapes = Different Characteristics

Shapes have the power to add various dimensions or layers to a room’s atmosphere. Since each shape brings a different set of qualities, let’s go through a few:

Curvilinear Shapes

Rounded and curvy shapes represent softness and harmony, making them perfect options for rooms where you spend time relaxing or being with others like the bedroom and living room. They can also be used to soften rooms filled with angles by easing people’s eyes around sharp bends and making the room’s flow more fluid. 

Rectilinear Shapes

Shapes with straight edges and angular corners, like squares or rectangles, can add an atmosphere of stability, efficiency, and balance. This type of shape can be helpful in home offices, workshops, and other working environments at home. 

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Organic or Natural Shapes

Think of bringing nature into your home through different items like corals, plants, and so on. These shapes typically take on more organic, irregular forms but they can add an extra layer of fun, interest, and nature to any space. Consider these when you’re looking to add a pop of color and vibrance to common spaces. 

How to Bring Shapes into Your Space

The concept might feel overwhelming at first, but incorporating shapes into your home design is incredibly flexible thanks to a wide range of options any homeowner can utilize. 

Build them in

If you’re still building or renovating your home, then slightly altering a room’s structure is a great way to introduce a variety of shapes. For example, you can incorporate shapes by adding a recessed ceiling mixed with curvilinear lighting fixtures to help common areas feel more elegant and welcoming at the same time. Alternatively, you can also add accent walls designed with various shapes to your home. 

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For such endeavors, consider using HardieFlex® NexGen™ with MoldBlock™ technology to keep your fiber cement boards mold resistant*. 

Disclaimer: *Resistant against fungi Aureobasidium pullulans, Aspergillus niger, and Penicillium citrinum based on results of ASTM D3273-16 testing over eight weeks; and MoldBlock™ Technology effective in reducing colonies of Stachybotrys Chartarum (toxic black mold) by up to 99% over 24 hours based on results of ASTM E2149-20. 

Choose the right accessories

Accessorizing properly can help bring in a variety of shapes into any space. Need to add something rectangular to your home office? Try adding a few small picture frames around the room and a rug with a square pattern. Mix & match items of different types and sizes with a similar shape to help maintain the room’s atmosphere. 

Ensure that the dominant shape in a space is repeated or complemented by smaller items to keep a cohesive look. However, you can also add opposing shapes or patterns to add an extra dimension to the room’s atmosphere – just like how adding curvy patterns to a highly angular room introduces a bit of softness. 

As a parting tip: always keep balance in mind. Having too many shapes in your room can make the atmosphere incredibly busy, overwhelming, and can muddle your original concept. Take some time to figure out the nuances of using shapes and allow your creativity to shine when it’s execution time!

Check out our website for more home improvement tips, project inspirations, and product information.

#ItsPossible with James Hardie.

